As we approach traditional holiday season it’s natural to keep focussing on the date of your holiday. It becomes like a “life-line rope.” You may hear yourself saying “I just need to get to my holiday and everything will be fine.”
Well I don’t want to sound like a spoilsport, but there is no guarantee that will be true. Why? Because your body might tell you otherwise. If you have been so busy and stressed about all you have to do before your holiday, whether that is work deadlines or family commitments, your mind and body systems will have been working at a higher gear and so been working under pressure. Now our body is very adaptable and good at sussing when it has to up the ante to cope, and that’s fine for a certain time but not for a long sustained period. Think of your car engine, how hot would it get if you drove it without a break at full pelt (within speed limits of course).
If you are working towards your annual break and are aware you are “desperate for your holiday”, start changes in your preparation now. This way you will take pressure off your body systems.
What do I mean by that? For example, I’m referring to your: Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Hormone Level, Immune System, and Nervous System, they will all thank you for it.
To be able to switch off from your normal environment for a week or 2 is very therapeutic, revitalising and relaxing. However, to get the best from this break don’t let yourself get so exhausted before it as otherwise you may feel a bit out of sorts at the beginning. This is because when you stop and get off “The Human Hamster Wheel” your body has had to adapt to the additional stress so when you stop, it can revert back to its optimum levels and aim to achieve what’s known as Homeostasis.
This medical research was started by an Austrian-Hungarian Endocrinologist called Dr Hans Selye in 1930s. I remember coming across his work when I first started my training in Anatomy and Physiology over 23 years ago and it fascinated me then and still does. I remember explaining it to massage students while tutoring them and it was one of my favourite subjects.
The effect of this additional stress means the immune system has been compromised, so it’s not unusual to get headaches, get a cold, feel so tired, at the beginning of your holiday. All signs your body is re-adapting and wanting to rebalance. Have you ever had that happen to you? I know I have.
If it does, don’t feel guilty, that won’t help. Give yourself time to feel better.
What can you do to avoid this dip? Well, it’s lifestyle adjustment all year round.
A few questions to ask yourself
§ Is everything really urgent?
§ Has everything on your list got to be done before you go and by you?
§ Would it be the end of the world if it didn’t? (not meant to be flippant but it is a real question)
§ What is self inflicted and driven by perfectionism? (Key Fact – Perfectionism does not exist- that’s a blog for another day but use the statement to your advantage not detriment! )
§ What can I change NOW?
Please look at what is realistic and helpful not unrealistic and unhelpful. With the latter 2 options add in unhealthy too.
How do you keep the holiday benefits going when you get home? This links to the ongoing lifestyle adjustment.
If you are fortunate enough to be able to get away on a total switch off holiday in what ever ticks your boxes, that’s maybe for 2 or 3 weeks? It still leaves 49 or 50 weeks remaining in the year. How do you sustain those benefits?
Here's a different to do list for you
Ø Plan in regular away days or half days where you take yourself out of your normal environment.
Ø Get up from your desk or away from home commitments.
Ø Put in your diary your exercise time. Include some of that outside in fresh air.
Ø Put in fun activities- life is to be enjoyed after all.
The more you commit to your well being, the more your mind and body will be able to operate at a more optimum level which is a healthier level. It will allow you to be more mentally productive, so you are not skiving by making these changes. Think of it as less is more!
Hope this has been a different holiday read for you but one I hope will sustain and invigorate you all year round. Whatever you're doing, have fun.
Remember “ Self Care is not Selfish! “
A wee photo from a short break I had in Spring. Revitalising and Relaxing for me!